Polyploidization by reticular speciation in Acipenseriform evolution: a working hypothesis Polyploidization by reticular speciation in Acipenseriform evolution: a working hypothesis Vasil'ev, V. P. 1999-09-01 00:00:00 Summary A working hypothesis to explain the polyploid evolution of Acipenserids as a result of reticular speciation is presented.



According to this analysis, the autopolyploid origin of bisexual species seems to be practically improbable, whereas their allopolyploid origin is quite probable, as it has been confirmed by data on reticular speciation in vertebrates and experimental crossings in fish. 2012-01-10 2011-06-01 Polyploidization by reticular speciation in Acipenseriform evolution: a working hypothesis Polyploidization by reticular speciation in Acipenseriform evolution: a working hypothesis Vasil'ev, V. P. 1999-09-01 00:00:00 Summary A working hypothesis to explain the polyploid evolution of Acipenserids as a result of reticular speciation is presented. For simplicity, polyploidization via triploid bridge is not shown. To determine factors that influence propensity toward polyploidization, Wagner et al . have taken the approach of examining two closely related genera, one consisting of all diploid species and the … SPECIATION VIA POLYPLOIDIZATION POLYPLOID POLYPLOIDY IN ANIMALS Polyploid cells and organisms are those containing more than two paired (homologous) sets of chromosomes. Most species whose cells have nuclei (Eukaryotes) are diploid, meaning they have two sets of chromosomes - One rate of speciation (Meyers and Levin, 2006).

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As the population grows,  Apr 15, 2008 Abstract. Polyploid formation is a major mode of sympatric speciation in flowering plants. Unlike other speciation processes, polyploidization is  Application: Speciation in the genus Allium by polyploidy. Utilization: Many crop species have been created to be polyploid. Polyploidy increases allelic diversity   An example would be the recent speciation of allopolyploid Spartina — S. anglica; the polyploid plant is so successful that it is listed as an invasive species in  Nov 2, 2016 Instantantaneous speciation is a special type of sympatric speciation which occurs by polyploidy ( containing 3 or more sets of homologous  Variation in organisms .

Sympatric Speciation by Polyploidy. Two types of speciation by polyploid formation. The production of unreduced gametes is essential in both. Top.

Particularly important is allopolyploidy, which involves the doubling of chromosomes in a hybrid plant. Neopolyploids, and in particular synthetic polyploids, are the most appropriate plant material to analyse and further understand the direct consequences of polyploidization during speciation. Münzbergová (2017) addresses this question on the model Vicia cracca that comprises both diploid and autotetraploid cytotypes. By analysing and comparing natural diploids, natural tetraploids and synthetic tetraploids from four different populations, the author demonstrates the direct impact of A working hypothesis to explain the polyploid evolution of Acipenserids as a result of reticular speciation is presented.

Alix et al. survey experimental, genomic, ecological and theoretical studies demonstrating that polyploidization often occurs during periods of major evolutionary transitions and adaptive radiation of species. Polyploidy, the cornerstone of bursts of adaptive speciation, brings about genetic novelty.

Bedöm hastigheten för speciering i olika systematiska kategorier av djur, växter och  Enligt S.S. Chetverikova källmaterial för speciation är Kromosomer är belägna i kärnan med en haploid eller diploid (mindre ofta polyploid)  Polyploidy - ärftlig variation orsakad av en multipel ökning av antalet kromosomer. Speciation - ett viktigt steg i utvecklingen av den organiska världen. including polyploidy, periods of rapid speciation, and extinction. Incomplete sorting of ancestral variation, polyploidization and massive expansions of gene  Vad är polyploidy vilken roll. Speciation - Hypermarket of Knowledge. Fråga 1. Vilka är de viktigaste formerna för bildbildning.

Previous studies using ecological, physiological and molecular investigations have provided a framework for understanding the underlying mechanisms of plant hybridization and polyploidization.
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Polyploidization speciation

Darwin thought most species arose directly from pre-existing species. This is called anagenesis: species by changing, or 'phyletic evolution'.Now we think most species arise by previous species splitting: cladogenesis.

Here we utilize the theory of integrated taxonomy to discuss the speciation of  Genetisk kartläggning; , Kvantitativ egenskap; , Speciation postzygotisk isolering, som främst orsakas av en ploidisk förändring (polyploid speciering), även om  30 augusti 2001. S. Otto, Vancouver.
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Whole-genome duplication through the formation of diploid gametes is a major route for polyploidization, speciation, and diversification in plants. The prevalence of polyploids in adverse climates led us to hypothesize that abiotic stress conditions can induce or stimulate diploid gamete production. In this study, we show that short periods of cold stress induce the production of diploid and

Nevertheless, the main route to polyploid  av D Ståhlberg · Citerat av 12 — Quaternary climatic changes have had a profound impact on speciation, structuring of genetic diversity and the shaping of the present-day distributions of plant  Polyploidization is the most common mode of speciation in the genus with an. estimated polyploid speciation rate of 54%. The polyploids are mostly young and  are polyploid. Polyploidization is the most common mode of speciation in the genus with an. estimated polyploid speciation rate of 54%. Showing result 1 - 5 of 6 swedish dissertations containing the words polyploid speciation. 1.